Björn Hall Stethoscope Charm Rings: Tutorial and Unboxing

Hej Hej! Nurse Jenny Here!

Welcome back!
If you’re new here, hello! I’m Nurse Jenny and I hope you learn a thing or two from me. If you are still wondering which is the best stethoscope to buy, worry no more because I have tried a lot of them for you! Here at Nurse Jenny Blog, I make stethoscope reviews, comparisons, and unboxings and I also make Nursing tutorials, hacks, talk about my Nursing life in general, and of course share with you the amazing Björn Hall products I made for you, so stay tuned!

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Today, I am proud to introduce to you my new beautiful stethoscope accessory. Now you can customize your scrubs a bit more and bring your personality to the floor. Yay!


Put your charm on sisters! No, I mean literally put your charms on -- these Björn Hall Stethoscope Charms!

Stethoscope Accessories Charm Rings

The Charm Rings come in Björn Hall boxes in signature blue and white color. Upon opening, there will be a thank you card inside with a QR code that will take you to a tutorial video on how to put on your Charm Rings.

The inside of the Charm Rings is 1cm in diameter, perfect fit for the size of the Björn Hall stethoscope tubing. If you aren’t using a Björn Hall Stethoscope, the diameter of your stethoscope tubing is one thing to consider before buying the Stethoscope Charm Rings.

Stethoscope Accessories Charm Rings

Stethoscope Accessories Charm Rings


How to put on the Björn Hall Stethoscope Charm Rings


Stethoscope Accessories Charm Rings

Remove the stethoscope chest piece from the tubing by gently pulling it off. Don’t worry this won’t damage your stethoscopes at all. 


Stethoscope Accessories Charm Rings

The end part of the tubing is slightly thicker than the rest due to the chest piece connector so this will be the most challenging part in putting the Charm Rings on. Use a push and twist motion to insert the Charm Ring or have an option to use a little antibacterial gel on the tube to slide the Stethoscope Charm Ring easier. 

To put back the chest piece to the stethoscope, lay the stethoscope on a flat surface before inserting the chest piece back on so when you wear it back it faces the right direction.

How to wear the Björn Hall Stethoscope Charm Rings

1. On the chest piece side

Stethoscope Accessories Charm Rings

2. On the binaural side.

This one is my preferred side by the way because it balances out the weight of the stethoscope chest piece when it tries to unbalance and slide off. 

Stethoscope Accessories Charm Rings


3. And like a little rebel, you can even put it on one side of the binaural!
To do this, remove one eartip and slide the Stethoscope Charm directly on the tubing. 


    How to clean the Björn Hall Stethoscope Charm Ring

    You can clean the whole stethoscope tubing with the Charm Ring on it with whatever brand of wipes that your hospital uses. You can also remove the Charm Ring from the stethoscope and thoroughly disinfect it with a sanitizing gel by rubbing it with your palms, covering all surfaces, and setting it aside to dry. 



    Leave a little sparkle wherever you go, sprinkle it around, and watch it grow.

    May this stethoscope charm with its glow, let your next shift be part of the sparkling show.




    Watch the unboxing and tutorial here:

     Read More:

    Björn Hall Classic Stethoscope - Black Tubing & Stainless Steel Chestpiece

    Bjorn Hall RN Registered Nurse Stethoscope Diaphragms


    If you have questions and suggestions drop them on the comment box below! I’ll be happy to hear from you guys. Thanks for coming and see you on my next blog! 



    May you have a sparkling shift and remember as always, listen with your heart.

    Nurse Jenny

    Jenny, RN is a Registered Nurse working in Sydney Australia. She received her degree in 2013 in Sydney as an international student from Sweden and graduated with a Distinction. She has a passion for Nursing and helping other Nurses and student Nurses in the field, looking at life from the positive side and always giving back where possible. She is the Founder of Bjorn Hall Stethoscopes, a company she created when she saw a need for more personality in the workplace.


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      شركة نقل اثاث بالرياض

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